dinsdag 7 juni 2016

Felting is so therapeutic

Hello everyone!
I had a very awesome but tiresome weekend.

My mom and I have a little business of our own felt products and we make medieval kind of products.
This weekend and last weekend we went to an medieval event with our own products and medieval clothing and tent. It was awesome and we came up with a new idea for a product.
We wear wooden shoes (klompen) and that is just awful for our poor feet, so we made a pair orthopedics soles of sheep wool what made such a difference, I think other people will thank us if they try them on!
We use UN-dyed wool and try to make it as authentic as possible. ( this is our own interpretation)

Felting feels great for the mind and your hands will become super soft!
You can make so much out of sheep wool! bags, shawls, clothing, actually anything you can think of ( except underwear I guess!). There are more then 1000 kinds of sheep races and they all have different kind of wool. Some are very robust and others are modest in curls.

I really like to make stuff by felting because it feels great, smells great and brings peace to the mind so if you are stressed, I suggest to start felting! It is not that hard, you will need warm water, wool and soap.
on the internet are tons of DIY felting guides.

Next weekend we have no event so I will search for another project to do.
I wish you y'all a great week!

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