donderdag 9 juni 2016

Chronic trouble

Hello and welcome,
I really get the hang of it! I really like to blog and use it as an online medium to show my work.
I want to show you some history of mine to let you know what caused the way I think about food and health nowadays. 

A year and a half ago I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease, It really shook my world and the way I lived. 
I was so sick that I couldn't eat and keep it in anymore. I was all skin and bones.
I was a heavy smoker and drinker and my diet, yeah I didn't took good care of myself.
After my sickness, I was starting to wonder what I can do myself to make it tolerable to live a normal and happy life. I quit smoking, changed my diet and lately I stopped drinking alcohol completely. 
With my diet I avoided: MacDonald, KFC etc. ( only domino's/ pizza once in a while)  Ready to eat meals, sugar products, pork, things out of a pack ( maggie, nestle, cupnoodels) aspartame products ( light products) fizzy drinks ( cola, seven up etc), white breads and pasta ( as much as possible)
and I felt so much better! After a few changes it became more and more ( I did not changed everything at once but step by step). I really love cooking and it tastes yummy to make your own dishes.

Now I am without medication for 6 months now!
And my diet is so much better ( and it will continue) it is packed with fruits, vegetables, less meat, whole wheat products. I was so inspired that I want to be a dietician. Tomorrow I have an exam about dietetics and later this year I will do my main study to be a dietician!.
It feels good to be in control again over my own life, so if you have a disease, you can do something about it! Maby you will like me, go off the meds because you will not need them anymore to be healthy ( consult your doctor before doing it, I consulted my doctor and he said it was safe).

As the artwork, I made that to process the fact that I was sick and there was "something wrong"with me.
( in case you are wondering, it is a interpretation of the small intestine but cute)  
Now my intestines are happy again most of the time ;)
It helped me to get over it and after a while I accepted it and now, I barely think about it. 
Of course sometimes I am tired or have to run to a bathroom but he,  if that is all ;)

So don't loose hope people! take your life back in control and change it for the better!
God bless you all <3

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Deze dame maakt ook hippe voedsel-dingen met blije gezichtjes: ...En als je naar de over-mij pagina gaat, vind je een leuk overeenkomst op d'r werkplek :)

    1. IT IS SO CUTE MY HEART COLLAPSED! awww Ja idd Jesus loves you bedoel je zeker ;)

    2. Noooo.. niet dood gaan *-* :O o.O''

      Jeppers ;)
